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*Example of beauty formula. The combination of the products are totally up to you.
Reduce stress marks on your skin
with our personalized beauty formula
Our formula proposes to combat the main problems of women’s skin generated by age and stress, starting from an active ingredient (Neurophroline) that combats facial stress and all its consequences.
Create your own beauty formula combining the serum boosters and creams
according to the specific needs of your skin, lifestyle or season.
For example:
Urban woman with an intense life rhythm
Lifting+ Antipollution + Cream
Woman with spots on her skin who practices outdoor sports
Repairing + Antispots + Cream
Urban woman with oily skin
Antipollution + Pore minimizer + Cream
Women with acne
Pore Minimizer+ Repairing + Anti-pollution
Women with sensitive skin
Repairing + Anti-pollution + Lifting
Women with aging spots
Antispots + Lifting + Anti-pollution
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